Hiking Glacier & Waterton Lakes Nat'l Parks provides details for more than 60 hikes in the area.

Day Hikes of Glacier National Park Map-Guide is laid out to help you quickly decide which trails to explore. All 88 hikes include brief descriptions, and are ranked from best to least favorites.

Trails Illustrated Map for Glacier Nat'l Park contains detailed topographic info, named and clearly marked trails, recreational points of interest and navigational aids for both Glacier and Waterton Lakes.
Glacier National Park Hiking Trails by Trail Feature
To help you find a suitable hiking trail during your visit to Glacier National Park in northwestern Montana, we've grouped trails according to their predominate feature, based on the following criteria: trails that lead to outstanding panoramic views, waterfalls, lakes, and various/other features.
By clicking on any of the trail names below you'll find more in-depth information, including trail descriptions, key features, directions, photographs, elevation profiles and trail maps.
Difficulty Rating Defined: a difficulty rating of less than 5 is generally considered to be an easy hike, between 5 and 10 is moderate, and above 10 is considered to be strenuous. For a more detailed explanation concerning difficulty ratings while hiking in Glacier National Park, please click here.
RT on the table heading below stands for total round trip mileage.
To get a general idea on the location of any of the hiking trails in Glacier National Park, please visit our Glacier map page.
Outstanding Panoramic Views
Trail Name | General Location | Trail Features | RT Miles | Elevation Gain | Difficulty Rating |
Dawson Pass | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views | 9.4 | 2450 | 14.30 |
Dragon's Tail | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows | 5.4 | 1190 | 7.78 |
Firebrand Pass | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views, Wildflowers | 10.2 | 1950 | 14.10 |
Gable Pass | Many Glacier | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows | 13.1 | 2250 | 17.60 |
Granite Park Chalet (via Highline) | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 15.2 | 1920 | 19.04 |
Granite Park Chalet (via The Loop) | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Wildflowers | 8.4 | 2450 | 13.30 |
Grinnell Glacier | Many Glacier | Outstanding Views, Glaciers | 7.6 | 1840 | 11.28 |
Grinnell Glacier Overlook | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 15.5 | 2830 | 21.16 |
Hidden Lake Overlook | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 2.7 | 540 | 3.78 |
Highline Loop | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 11.8 | 1950 | 15.70 |
Highline Trail to Haystack Pass | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 7.2 | 825 | 8.85 |
Mt. Brown Lookout | Lake McDonald | Outstanding Views, Historic | 10.1 | 4250 | 18.60 |
Piegan Pass | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views | 9.2 | 1850 | 12.90 |
Pitamakan Pass | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views, Lake Views | 15.4 | 2500 | 20.40 |
Preston Park | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 7.1 | 1415 | 9.93 |
Ptarmigan Tunnel | Many Glacier | Oustanding Views, Alpine Lake, Historic | 10.7 | 2300 | 15.30 |
Scenic Point | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views, Alpine Tundra | 8.0 | 2300 | 12.60 |
Siyeh Pass | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 8.9 | 2090 | 13.08 |
Siyeh Pass Loop | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Wildflowers | 10.4 | 2280 | 14.96 |
Swiftcurrent Pass | Many Glacier | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Lakes | 14.2 | 2400 | 19.00 |
Triple Divide Pass | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views | 14.6 | 2400 | 19.40 |
Two Medicine Pass | Two Medicine | Outstanding Views, Alpine Lake | 14.2 | 2410 | 19.02 |
Waterfall Hikes
Trail Name | General Location | Trail Features | RT Miles | Elevation Gain | Difficulty Rating |
Apikuni Falls | Many Glacier | Waterfalls | 1.7 | 625 | 2.95 |
Appistoki Falls | Two Medicine | Waterfalls | 1.3 | 175 | 1.65 |
Aster Falls | Two Medicine | Waterfalls | 2.8 | 320 | 3.44 |
Baring Falls | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls | 0.8 | 160 | 1.12 |
Deadwood Falls | Logan Pass | Waterfalls, Forest Hike | 2.3 | 665 | 3.63 |
Florence Falls | Logan Pass | Waterfalls, Forest Hike | 9.8 | 975 | 11.75 |
Hidden Falls | Many Glacier | Waterfalls, Forest Hike | 2.5 | 250 | 3.00 |
Johns Lake Loop | Lake McDonald | Waterfalls, Lake Views | 1.8 | 225 | 2.25 |
Ptarmigan Falls | Many Glacier | Oustanding Views, Waterfalls | 5.0 | 768 | 6.54 |
Redrock Falls | Many Glacier | Waterfalls, Lake, Scenic Views | 4.2 | 285 | 4.77 |
Rockwell Falls | Two Medicine | Waterfalls, Scenic Views, Wildflowers | 7.0 | 375 | 7.75 |
Running Eagle Falls | Two Medicine | Waterfalls | 0.6 | 15 | 0.63 |
St. Mary Area Waterfalls Hike | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls, Lake Views | 5.2 | 700 | 6.60 |
St. Mary Falls | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls | 1.7 | 215 | 2.13 |
S. Shore St. Mary Lake | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls, Lake Views | 7.2 | 755 | 8.71 |
Sun Point Nature Trail | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls, Lake Views | 4.7 | 460 | 5.62 |
Twin Falls | Two Medicine | Waterfalls | 2.3 | 115 | 2.53 |
Virginia Falls | St. Mary Lake | Waterfalls | 3.6 | 525 | 4.65 |
Lake Hikes
Trail Name | General Location | Trail Features | RT Miles | Elevation Gain | Difficulty Rating |
Avalanche Lake | Lake McDonald | Lake, Waterfalls | 4.5 | 730 | 5.96 |
Bullhead Lake | Many Glacier | Lakes, Waterfalls, Scenic Views | 7.2 | 425 | 8.05 |
Cobalt Lake | Two Medicine | Scenic Views, Alpine Lake, Waterfalls, Wildflowers | 11.2 | 1450 | 14.10 |
Cracker Lake | Many Glacier | Alpine Lake, Outstanding Views | 12.6 | 1400 | 15.40 |
Fish Lake | Lake McDonald | Lake, Forest Hike | 5.8 | 1210 | 8.22 |
Grinnell Lake | Many Glacier | Lake, Scenic Views | 3.0 | 220 | 3.44 |
Gunsight Lake | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Subalpine Lake, Wildflowers | 12.6 | 1500 | 15.60 |
Hidden Lake | Logan Pass | Outstanding Views, Alpine Meadows, Lake | 5.4 | 1325 | 8.05 |
Howe Lake | Lake McDonald | Lake | 4.0 | 240 | 4.48 |
Iceberg Lake | Many Glacier | Outstanding Views, Alpine Lake | 9.7 | 1275 | 12.25 |
Lake Josephine Loop | Many Glacier | Outstanding Lake Views | 5.8 | 225 | 6.25 |
Medicine Grizzly Lake | Two Medicine | Subalpine Lake, Scenic Views | 12.4 | 625 | 13.65 |
No Name Lake | Two Medicine | Alpine Lake, Scenic Views | 5.4 | 905 | 7.21 |
Oldman Lake | Two Medicine | Alpine Lake, Outstanding Views | 13.3 | 1850 | 17.00 |
Otokomi Lake | St. Mary Lake | Alpine Lake, Waterfalls | 10.8 | 2180 | 15.16 |
Paradise Point | Two Medicine | Scenic Lake Views | 1.4 | 220 | 1.84 |
Poia Lake | Many Glacier | Lake Views | 8.6 | 1750 | 12.10 |
Ptarmigan Lake | Many Glacier | Oustanding Views, Alpine Lake | 8.8 | 1700 | 12.20 |
Quartz Lake Loop | Lake McDonald | Lake Views, Forest Hike | 12.8 | 2350 | 17.50 |
Red Eagle Lake | St. Mary Lake | Lake Views, Meadows | 15.0 | 300 | 15.60 |
Rocky Point Nature Trail | Lake McDonald | Lake, Scenic Views | 1.9 | 350 | 2.60 |
Snyder Lake | Lake McDonald | Subalpine Lake, Scenic Views | 8.7 | 2045 | 12.79 |
Swiftcurrent Lake Nature Trail | Many Glacier | Scenic and Lake Views, Forest | 2.7 | 25 | 2.75 |
Upper Two Medicine Lake | Two Medicine | Lake Views, Meadows, Wildflowers | 4.8 | 350 | 5.50 |
Various / Other Features
Trail Name | General Location | Trail Features | RT Miles | Elevation Gain | Difficulty Rating |
Apgar Lookout | Lake McDonald | Scenic Views, Historic | 7.1 | 1845 | 10.79 |
Aster Park Overlook | Two Medicine | Scenic Views, Waterfalls | 4.0 | 780 | 5.56 |
Beaver Pond Loop | St. Mary Lake | Meadows, Forest Hike, Historic | 3.6 | 350 | 4.30 |
Belly River Ranger Station | Many Glacier | Outstanding Views, Historic | 12.2 | 915 | 14.03 |
Forest and Fire Nature Trail | Lake McDonald | Scenic Views, Wildflowers | 1.1 | 180 | 1.46 |
Huckleberry Mountain Lookout | Lake McDonald | Scenic Views | 12.0 | 3400 | 18.80 |
Sperry Chalet | Lake McDonald | Outstanding Views, Waterfalls | 12.3 | 3360 | 19.02 |
Trail of the Cedars | Lake McDonald | Forest Hike, Waterfalls | 1.0 | 60 | 1.12 |
Upper McDonald Creek Trail | Lake McDonald | Waterfalls, Scenic Views | 5.3 | 210 | 5.72 |