Swiftcurrent Lake Nature Trail
Trail Features: | Scenic and lake views | ![]() |
Trail Location: | Many Glacier Hotel Boat Dock | ||||
Roundtrip Length: | 2.7 Miles | ||||
Total Elevation Gain: | 25 Feet | ||||
Avg. Elev Gain / Mile: | 19 Feet | ||||
Highest Elevation: | 4890 Feet | ||||
Trail Difficulty Rating: | 2.75 (easy) | ||||
Parking Lot Latitude | 48.79667 | ||||
Parking Lot Longitude | -113.65815 | ||||
Trail Description:
The Swiftcurrent Lake Nature Trail in Glacier National Park is a loop hike that begins from either the boat dock at the Many Glacier Hotel, or from the Grinnell Glacier Trailhead near the Many Glacier Picnic Area. The following describes the hike starting from the Many Glacier Hotel, and then proceeding in a counterclockwise direction. Since the views from the hotel are exceptionally beautiful it would seem to make sense to appreciate them twice; at both the beginning and end of your hike. At least that's my thinking!
The prominent mountains rising directly across from the historic hotel are Mount Gould, Grinnell Point and Mount Wilbur. These towering peaks, along with the Garden Wall, form a dramatic backdrop against Swiftcurrent Lake, and offer some of the most breathtaking scenery in Glacier National Park.
From the hotel you should begin walking towards the north end of the lake. Although you're never too far away from civilization on this hike, you should still be aware that you're traveling in grizzly bear country, and Many Glacier has the highest concentration of grizzlies in the park. As you proceed around the north end of the lake, look up towards the slopes of Altyn Peak to scan for bears and bighorn sheep. Early mornings and late afternoons are usually the best times for spotting wildlife in this area.
As you continue walking along the north shore you'll also be treated to some outstanding views of the Many Glacier Hotel. For an in-depth history of Glacier's historic hotels and backcountry chalet system, I highly recommend View with a Room.
At roughly eight-tenths of a mile from the boat dock hikers will arrive at the Grinnell Glacier Trailhead parking area. You should turn left here and walk another hundred yards to reach the trailhead. As previously mentioned, the Grinnell Glacier Trailhead offers hikers another point of entry onto the Swiftcurrent Lake Nature Trail.
From this trailhead the path proceeds through a pleasant forest of lodgepole pine, spruce, fir and aspen, with occasional views of Grinnell Point and Mt. Wilbur off to your right.
Roughly a quarter-mile past the Grinnell Glacier Trailhead you'll arrive at the footbridge that crosses over Switftcurrent Creek. This bridge offers outstanding views of Mt. Wilbur towards the west, and Wynn Mountain towards the east.
At roughly 1.7 miles from the Many Glacier Hotel you'll reach the south boat dock. Many hikers take the Chief Two Guns shuttle boat across Swiftcurrent Lake, then board the Morning Eagle to shuttle across Lake Josephine before embarking on the 3.6-mile hike to Grinnell Glacier.
As you continue on the loop hikers will reach another footbridge that crosses the channel between Swiftcurrent Lake and Lake Josephine, located roughly 1.9 miles from the hotel. Although they can be seen anywhere around the lake, this area is especially good habitat for moose. Just beyond the bridge is the South Shore Lake Josephine Trail junction. Turning right here will lead hikers up to Hidden Falls and Grinnell Lake.
Roughly one-quarter of a mile past the junction hikers will reach the Chief Two Guns winter boat house, as well as a private residence for boat employees. As we walked past the cabin, which has two big bay windows facing the lake, and a pair of binoculars sitting on the window sill, I couldn't help thinking to myself as to who could be so lucky as to live in such a beautiful place as this. Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair!
As you continue towards the hotel there will be several short social trails that lead to small beach areas along the lake. Many of these will provide excellent views of the surrounding mountains, the Garden Wall and the Many Glacier Hotel. Some will even make for excellent picnic spots, snack breaks, or just another place to soak-in the views for a little while longer.
This hike is an excellent option for anyone in the family. It's completely flat, and has exceptionally beautiful scenery.